An announcement was made by Federal motor carrier safety administration (FMCSA) Southern Regional Road Show by safety
officials discussing the ELD mandate and its implementation. The ELD violations won't affect the CSA scores until April 1, 2018
but the truckers without ELD are subject to citations and fines post December 18, 2017 ELD Mandate.
officials discussing the ELD mandate and its implementation. The ELD violations won't affect the CSA scores until April 1, 2018
but the truckers without ELD are subject to citations and fines post December 18, 2017 ELD Mandate.
CVSA Statement
CVSA gave its statement regarding the deadline of putting the commercial motor vehicles out of service after April 18, 2018:
“The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance supports moving forward with the compliance date as specified in the rule. However,
setting an April 1, 2018 effective date for applying the ELD out-of-service criteria will provide the motor carrier industry,
shippers, and the roadside enforcement community with time to adjust to the new requirement before vehicles are placed
out of service for ELD violations.”
setting an April 1, 2018 effective date for applying the ELD out-of-service criteria will provide the motor carrier industry,
shippers, and the roadside enforcement community with time to adjust to the new requirement before vehicles are placed
out of service for ELD violations.”
The trucks found without a compliant ELD or grandfathered AOBRD device after December 18, 2017 are being fined and the
companies that continually violate the rule can be subject to federal investigation as well. The enforcement officials or
roadside inspectors are exercising discretion in issuing citations since December 18, 2017. The FMCSA Field Administrator
Jon Dierberger said that ELD citations would not affect the SMS (Safety Measurement System) ranking.
companies that continually violate the rule can be subject to federal investigation as well. The enforcement officials or
roadside inspectors are exercising discretion in issuing citations since December 18, 2017. The FMCSA Field Administrator
Jon Dierberger said that ELD citations would not affect the SMS (Safety Measurement System) ranking.
Use Of Grandfathered AOBRD
AOBRD device that were installed before the ELD Mandate deadline and ELDs that meet the requirements set under
49 C.F.R. 395.15 are deemed compliant. Cathy Gautreaux, FMCSA Deputy Administrator, said that FMCSA trained safety
officials in each state so that all jurisdictions were ready for implementation the ELD mandate.
49 C.F.R. 395.15 are deemed compliant. Cathy Gautreaux, FMCSA Deputy Administrator, said that FMCSA trained safety
officials in each state so that all jurisdictions were ready for implementation the ELD mandate.
Make sure to have compliant ELDs before the compliance deadline. If you haven't implemented with the new regulations, try
Hutch Systems ELD solution. Hutch Systems offer FMCSA certified electronic logging devices with advanced features and
are available at competitive prices.
Hutch Systems ELD solution. Hutch Systems offer FMCSA certified electronic logging devices with advanced features and
are available at competitive prices.
If you have any queries, give us a call at 206-401-9600 or send us an email at